Tuesday, January 06, 2009

What? You thought there would be a bloody coup?

☛TS Leadership transition quick, smooth
The way the articles and blog posts are going, you'd think we never had new Supervisors take office.


  1. Rose and Neo-Cons;
    You lost, get over it........ Stop your whining....... America, love it or leave it. etc.

  2. So you admit that Lovelace's victory is a victory for the local neo-con good ol' boy money machine. Thanks for clarifying that.

  3. I laughed my ass off over that one Rose. You have quite a sense of humor there gal.

    As for Brian and Anonymous above: you are snarky humorless turds. Grow up. (actually, I am still laughing so hard its hard to swallow my coffee.)

    Yes, I was thinking the same thing about that headline and article. When was the last time there was a coup during the so called "transition?" Well, I guess the guys over at the TS are keeping themselves too stoned or glued to the AP looking for dope stories around the nation rather than actually doing any work over there.

  4. Is this Humboldt's only conservative blog?

  5. I wanna be a supervisor! I have a great deal of experience sitting on my fat ass and babbling nonsense.

    Please vote for me!

  6. Anonymous 9:24 a.m.;
    You call me names, then tell me to "grow-up"..........brilliant, just brilliant.

  7. Brian, beware, heathens dwell here. They do not appreciate the words 'just get over it' anymore. They do, however, appreciate a good turd toss - until you fire one back and it lands in their cornflakes. Somehow they just don't see the humor in that. Makes 'em irritable.

    When you said, 'America, love it or leave it', I knew immediately that you, sir, are a true Patriot!

    Dreadful Anonymous

  8. Dred and Brian: what you lack is a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh even at yourselves. Too bad. If you don't want to be called a snarky, humorless turd - quit acting like a snarky humorless turd.

    And if being able to laugh at this makes me a heathen, more power to heathens. You guys need to get a life. Have you ever heard of sarcasm. I am laughing and poking fun at you dweebs and you are way too serious.

    BTW the coup stuff is gawd awful funny!

  9. hey there snarky humorless turd Dred and Brian. Try this game out. Maybe it will help drain you of all the koolaid that you have consumed.


  10. Hey there, heathen, obviously brian's humor is too subtle for you. Or maybe you were too busy blowing snot and farting at Rose's humorous article to be paying sufficient attention. Wipe your nose and stop drooling - and have another bowl of cornflakes.

    Dreadful Anonymous

  11. Sorry Dred, can't do that because you ate all my cornflakes. However, you forgot to take the turd out of the bowl before you started to slurp at the trough. Enjoy!

    ps - Brian's humor is NOT subtle, it is non-existent as is yours.

    pps - what was your catch-a-poo score? Or were you to afraid to play?

  12. Hey - I think that Dred and Brian are sulking over the fact that they have no sense of humor.


  13. Anonymous;
    Your idea of humor is using the word "turd" and fart jokes.........how old are you, ten?

    And please use a lower case "b".....

  14. Can't do that Brian, I was given a good education and have manners so it will remain a capital B.

    And yes, my idea of humor is the word Turd and fart jokes. Guess you hated George Carlin? Who do you watch and listen to for humor? A rock or a brick? Maybe you just listen to Amy Goldman to get your laughs, I don't know, but you really ought to get expand your horizon's. You remember the old line - all work and no play makes Brian a very dull boy!


  15. Harmony has big tits and little ideas. Brian has neither big tits or even little ideas.

  16. Expecting a bloody coup? No.

    Call it a fond wish.


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