Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A toast to Ernie

And the new HAPPY STUPID NEW LAW DAY. Here's my proposal, we add a rider that says any legislator that voted for this hideous abomination who gets caught talking on their cell phone while driving is automatically removed from office. No ifs ands buts or appeals. Instant. Permanent. Removal. You pass a STUPID law, you follow it. Period. Carole Migden watch out.

A later caller warned a dispatcher, as the vehicles passed Vallejo on eastbound Interstate 80, that Migden could cause "a major injury accident."

"I've witnessed her hit the center, center divide already once. She's been crossing three lanes at a time, wandering back and forth. She's been on the phone, reading a book. ... She's doing about 80. .. She's really scary—watch out."


  1. Truckers have been using CBs for how many years without having problems needing a law, what is wrong with people with cellphones that in 10 years, they need a law?

    Is the common man that much dumber than a truck driver?

  2. I must confess that I have broken the law seven times already today. My gummint phone is Nextel....they don't make hands free on the radio devices.

    Dear Nanny State....Bite my Big Dog Butt.

  3. Oh that figures, The government is exempt. Typical. If it is a crappy law they are always exempt. If it might cost money, they are always exempt.

  4. Slamming Migden is like shooting fish in a barrel. Her own party hates her. Nice try Rose.

  5. Is the common man that much dumber than a truck driver?

    Yes. Trucker's have much more experience driving.

  6. What's more distracting - a passel of kids in the back seats, a screaming baby in a car seat or a cellphone?

    What's more distracting, trying to find a CD or holding a cellphone?

    This thing is insane.

  7. Certainly I have been much more distracted by squabbling kids or trying to eat an avo-cheddar sandwich or digging for a CD under the seat than talking on the phone.

    Ideally, society would need very few laws because people would be smart and responsible enough to do the right things on their own, right?

    Unfortunately, many members of our populace tend to gravitate toward stupid behavior. The dumbest, rudest, greediest folks keep ruining it for everyone else, so we end up with leash laws and helmet laws and now cell phone laws. Truly frustrating for those of us living some semblance of responsibly (although "responsibly" varies depending on who you're talking to, too).

    Then again, many studies show that people talking on their cell phones are even more dangerous on the road than drunk drivers -- and I think most of us agree that drunk driving should be illegal (although lots of people drive so badly that a good driver who's had a couple drinks is still probably a better driver than a sober idjit) -- so by that line of thought, doesn't it make sense to outlaw handheld cell phone use while driving?

    I guess my only conclusion is that I wish people would behave in such a manner as to not necessitate so many laws -- and then the question remains, what do you do when they don't?

    One option would be simply to ticket people driving irresponsibly for reckless driving, regardless of the cause. But does that address the root of the problem?

    Sorry for the long and random thoughts... still working this one out.

  8. Haven't read the text of the law but does switching the damn cell phone's speakerphone on and then holding it against the steering wheel as you are drive count as a violation???? (Just cant seem to figure out the whole bluetooth thing!) I guarantee that a screaming 20 month old and my not-so-motherly instinct to do whatever it takes to shut her up (even if if means fishing around in the back seat - one-armed-half turned-style for a pacifier or sippy cup that's gone astray; juggling a latte, and going 40-50 m.p.h.) is far more distracting than me talking on my cell phone!!! Well that is of course if I'm not doing all aforementioned tasks at once - which surprisingly can be done without a collision, scratch or bump! Gotta say thanks a lot to the idiot(s) that brought us this life-saving law!

  9. Hey....not to worry....you can't call with the phone to your ear....but you can Text.......

    Maroons.....Sacramento is run by Maroons.

    Oh, and get rid of all the helium filled mylar balloons...yup, that's a new one coming out...

  10. 11:22 AM: "One option would be simply to ticket people driving irresponsibly for reckless driving, regardless of the cause. But does that address the root of the problem?"

    Most vehicle code violations are merely a means for the government to tax stupidity.

    11:26 AM: "Gotta say thanks a lot to the idiot(s) that brought us this life-saving law!"

    That would be the "progressive" legislature that enacted it and the "progressive" governor that signed it.
    By the way, I see that Gavin Newsom has formed an exploratory committee to run for governor.

  11. An ambitious immoral/amoral man - no surprise there.

  12. When you think things can't ever get worse. Newson would make the next logical person to govern Cali. The inmates truely are running the asylum the rest of us saps are paying the bill.

  13. Anon.R.mous said...
    Truckers have been using CBs for how many years without having problems needing a law, what is wrong with people with cellphones that in 10 years, they need a law?

    Is the common man that much dumber than a truck driver?

    FYI - you don't DIAL a CB - its a one hand "jack mike" you hit a button and talk. Cells take DIALING ... and looking at - CB's only take having it on the right channle (ah like a radio dial that has 40 BIG BRIGHT LED EASY TO READ NUMBERS on it - pick one and talk) ...

    You don't have to take your eyes off the road, it don't take two hands to push little tiny numbers (7 or more of them) to get someone on it. The person your talking to isn't a 'business or personal' relationship - so your not that invloved --

    want some other diffrnces between a cell phone and a CB - good buddy

    10-10 on the side ....

  14. Cells only take dialing if you are a retard and don't have voice calls programed into your phone. Or if your phone doesn't support it.

    I guess you haven't listened to a CB on the big road in awhile, people get all kinds of wound up and involved on that.

    And I'm not your good buddy, and I'm not taking a break, nor am I heading for a side channel, but if you want to kick it down to company channel and talk there, it's fine by me.


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