Friday, July 18, 2008

Take a break

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Go watch it while you can (for free)
It's silly, but clever and witty.
Wired - Joss Whedon Waxes Dr. Horrible
The creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly - has decided to try something different. He is releasing is latest project on the internet in three parts. part three comes out tomorrow. And all three will vanish the next day. (All acts will stay up until midnight Sunday July 20th. Then they will vanish into the night, like a phantom (but not THE Phantom – that’s still playing. Like, everywhere.)

Heh - buy the t-shirts and stuff -
Read the Master Plan


  1. I loved the Firefly series. Best space opera series ever, way better than Star Trek, Star Wars, Galaxy crap, all seem mickey-mouse fakes with glitzy 20th century evil monsters in space suits while Firefly's universe made some sense. But it was the characterizations of the people on board that made Firefly a step above the rest of that pack. Loved Lenore the whore--want more.

  2. Firefly...I love how people of very different ideologies love that show. Here in Humboldt's blogosphere, there are such different fans such as Stephen, me, Eric, and yourself, Rose.

    I laughed myself silly last night at Dr. Horrible's sweet evil persona and Capt. Hammer's nasty niceness. I wonder if this show will be another amazing transender of barriers?

  3. :) There is hope, Kym. Either that or we're not so far apart as we seem. Maybe the stars will realign and all of the divide will evaporate.


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