Monday, September 08, 2008


News and Announcements from DUHC ("Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County")
As you are aware, the right-wing (ooooh scary) Pacific Legal Foundation is suing Humboldt County in an effort to overturn (the Piece of Shit) Measure T, the local ordinance which prohibits non-local corporations from making political contributions in local elections.

We always knew this lawsuit would come.
(We were dreading it, actually!)

It is merely another example of how corporate leaders try to claim the illegitimate doctrine of "corporate personhood" is to overturn democratically enacted laws which attempt to control their abuse. For a corporation to claim that their civil "rights" have been violated is so preposterous that only a lawyer could argue that idea with a straight face.

We are already working with renowned constitutional law expert John Bonifaz to defend Measure T in court. John has offered to assist the county at no charge!

Oh BOY! A pro-bono activist lawyer! Just like good old Joe Cotchett!


  1. What makes John think the county wants his help? Free or not.

  2. So what makes you crazy - the term pro-bono activist lawyer or renowned constitutional law expert? Your fear is an awesome thing.

  3. 'Fear' is not the word I would use.

    DISGUST is good. DISDAIN is good, something along these lines. Entertained and amused could be thrown in for good 'measure.'

  4. John not a member of the California Bar Assoc. What kind of help can he give?

  5. He can give one hell of a good blow job to the County --- and get paid for it.


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