Friday, September 12, 2008

Day seventeen - a little late - UPDATED


Former Blue Lake Police Chief David Gundersen has been cleared of all major charges first filed against him in 2008. - Arcata Eye MARCH 2012


☛ TS AG: No conflict of interest in Gundersen case.
The California Attorney General's Office has reviewed a letter from former Blue Lake Police Chief David Gundersen's wife and concluded that no conflict of interest exists in District Attorney Paul Gallegos' handling Gundersen's rape case.

”We reviewed the letter and determined that it relates to this ongoing prosecution of a serious felony,” Attorney General's Office Deputy Press Secretary Abraham Arredondo said. “We feel there is no conflict that would prevent the DA from discharging his duties correctly.”

Arredondo said he couldn't get into the specifics of how the Attorney General's office looked into Seal's complaint, but said his office's role in the matter has concluded.

”We reviewed everything that was alleged, everything that was said, and from that we advised (Seal) that she needed to take her complaints to the local authorities because we saw no conflict of interest,” Arredondo said.


Former Blue Lake Police Chief David Gundersen has been cleared of all major charges first filed against him in 2008. - Arcata Eye MARCH 2012



  1. And the Kalifornia Attorney General is...?
    Former governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown who is so supportive of local "authorities" that drunk and accompanied by his main squeeze Ms Ronstadt busts through an LAPD roadblock at a hwy 101 mudslide and tears the oil pan out her Mercedes. And is then driven home to her Malibu home by LA Sheriff's personnel. Move along folks. No conflict of interest here.

  2. I had hoped for better from Brown - Lockyer before him was worthless, even going so far as to blindly endorse Gallegos with a rote endorsement - one that Ms. Sterling Nichols trumpeted to the world as proof that Gallegos was doing a GREAT job.

    The stacks of complaints on their desks apparently mean nothing - any complaints are viewed as "political."

    The Attorney General is worthless - apparently there is no oversight body when it comes to a DA, None. He is indeed, untouchable.

    And the people's arm of law enforcement is compromised because of it.

  3. I might add - what "local authorities" is Seal to take her complaint to? The Sheriff? Ummm. Problem there. The DA? Ummm. Problem there.

    Who, Mr. Brown?

  4. Wow, what a way to dodge a decision. This person writes the AG of the DA's abuse of power and civil rights violations and they respond regarding conflicts of interest? Now that is a nonresponsive response.

    Especially with Gallegos's wife on the stand. But, realize that the AG is limited. They can't come in and take this over. Period. This type of unethical conduct has to be handled with the state bar or the ballot box.

  5. Oh, I think they could. the low staffing, the backlog of cases, combined with some of the ethical questions...

    But if the AG was really doing his job he'd be looking at the grants.

  6. Again, Clanton let him off the hook. He should have called him as a witness to what was said between him and Joan. Not that he would have told the truth any more than Joan did.

  7. Seal should go to the press, and by the press, I mean the Sac Bee or LA times...

  8. The press does not care. Think what your reaction is when you hear about the turmoil in the Trinidad City Council, or Blue Lake... it seems like so much shenanigans and you laugh.

    Yet those could be very serious issues. They get no attention or respect, except for those who are directly affected.

    That's the case here - people outside the area hear about what is going on here, and they shrug their shoulders. Even if they go so far as to say, well, you've got a mess on your hands, there is nothing they can do.

    People in the legal community do know better, and do care, for the most part - which of course, is why no one is applying here.


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