Monday, March 02, 2009

Words, just words

Recommended reading - Victor Davis Hanson should be at the top of your reading list. This week opens thus One of the most tired rhetorical tropes in Washington starts with, “We must . . . ” In the age of Obama, this is now usually followed by “Get the cost of our health care under control,” or “Invest in the education of our youth,” or “Spend wisely.” Such promises usually devolve into pleas for more money. They rarely explore how we ended up in the first place with such severe crises in health care and education — and with trillions in borrowing to spend trillions more that we do not have....

This is his closing: All government officials talk of spending wisely, but they never tell us the true extent of their financial malfeasance. Imagine if last week, in his address to Congress, President Obama had said something like the following: “We must cut spending, since the borrowed money must come from somewhere. Either we print more paper dollars, and eventually ruin the value of our currency in the manner now common in Zimbabwe or Argentina; or we continue to borrow from the Chinese, Japanese, and Europeans, and therefore mortgage both our honor and our autonomy; or, in the manner of War Bonds during the Second World War, we will have to ask you all to forgo stocks, 401(k)s, and real-estate investments, and instead each month, as part of your patriotic duty, buy U.S. government savings bonds that garner almost no interest, to subsidize our nation’s lavish borrowing and spending.”

Only that way could we have an honest national debate on whether the proposed high-speed rail between Vegas and LA is worth making Americans soon pay $10 for a Big Mac; or whether federally subsidized community organizing justifies more begging for help from the Communist government in Beijing; or whether we would all like to accept 0.05 interest on our government bonds to finance the mortgage bailout of those in arrears on their home debt.

In short, for each word devoted to spending, we need one word of honest exegesis about “paying for it.”

For the last 20 years, all our presidents have talked much about health care, education, and spending, while saying little. Either they were not honest enough to tell us the truth — or they were convinced that, like children, we simply couldn’t handle it if they did.
Read the whole thing. YOu'll be glad you did. The Triumph of Banality - Obama didn't invent dishonesty in political discourse — but he has a talent for it. By Victor Davis Hanson


  1. You read the NCJ article on Headwaters Rose?

  2. no comment?

  3. You've got nothing Rose? You mean you weren't able to blame EPIC, Gallegos, Earth First! for anything based on the information in this article? Come on! You can do it!

  4. Besides the fact that you are off topic in this post - I thought the article was a waste of time. A so what.

  5. ditto on the so what.

    Hey anyone know what is going on over at the journal? It is like dying or something and I used to really read it. What's happening over there?

    Hank used to write some great pieces and I just don't see him write that much anymore and the other writers are just about like to duds over at the TS. Actually, I am really bummed because being a weekly, they used to be able to really get their teeth into things.

  6. sorry for the typo. I meant "like THE duds and not "like to duds."


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