Saturday, March 07, 2009

Chavez Tells Obama To "Wash His Ass"

If you scroll to 4:05 to hear him tell Obama "Obama vaya a lavarse ese palto," which translates to "Obama go wipe your ass!" Daily KOS

Some days... it must be so confusing! But! But... but... the world is supposed to love us now!~


  1. First Obama insults our greatest ally, Great Britain, then "the Man of the People" dictator Chavez tells Obama to wipe his ass!! Oh, whatever is Sean Penn going to do?? I guess Chavez isn't going to get a copy of 'Milk' anytime soon. Hilarious.

  2. LOL. I think I'd rather be called the Great Satan. :)

  3. It will be interesting to see the spin on this. I guess this proves that O'blahblah isn't a left wing radical,righhhhhhhht, o.k. He is really a conservative, right.....o.k. What is he exactly?? A narcissist who can't seem to find his palto with both hands.

  4. What's a Leftist to do - Chavez - Obama, Chavez, Obama, Chavez, Obama - which one to choose!!!

  5. Hugo is just f'ing crazy.

    What do you expect from a crazy man?

    Maybe we can send some cruise missles Caracas way?

  6. Que? I think the refrence to washing of the ass is a reference to Sharia Law. There seems to be a lot of that going on there. Look it up. An english translation may or may not be of help.

  7. "vaya a lavarse ese palto" is literally telling him to wipe his ass. It is Venezuelan slang that essentially means f*** off.


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