Monday, March 29, 2010

Time to play nice

Time to play nice


  1. Does this mean you're shutting down your blog? ;)

  2. Bob, do you think Gallegos can run on his record this time? Or is he going to rely on Salzman's smears?

  3. If he runs on his record he's already lost

  4. Can PG run on his record? That seems to be what he's doing so far, although I have not been paying close attention. Some of his opponents will run against his record. Spin will be the order of the day. I doubt that anyone will follow the TS' "play nice" advice -- well, maybe the other Paul, who seems to be a nice guy.

  5. Paul Hagen is a wonderful guy. And you will do well to pay attention to who is running the smear campaign. (Hint: it is not the challengers)


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