Monday, June 27, 2011

District Attorney Paul Gallegos, Poster boy for "Vote Local Control" begging for big bucks from - wait for it - out of town - makes the paper. $250-$2,500 a pop dinner

Pot lobbying group to host Gallegos fundraiser; Sacramento soiree for DA charges $250 a plate and more - TS
Humboldt County District Attorney Paul Gallegos is still looking to pay off some campaign debt and hopes to get a lot of help Wednesday at a pricey Sacramento fundraiser sponsored by a medical marijuana lobbying organization.

...$41,000 in outstanding loans, including $26,000 owed to his wife, local attorney Joan Gallegos.

I'm hearing that the local boys aren't ponying up the dough - probably because even they realize that he is a faker, and has let everyone down.

For Gallegos, ‘multitasking’ means pandering to growers and paying off campaign debt all at the same time - The Mirror (image source)

"Vote Local Control" Poster Boy, in his own words. Say anything.

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