Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ms. Doolittle had been custody since 2011 without the case moving forward

How a defense attorney and prosecutor worked together to get justice with a human touch - John Chiv/Words Worth

Virginia Doolittle was initially charged with murder. On 7/14/14, she plead to a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter for 6 years with a 1 year added for the special allegation of the use of deadly weapon; in this case a knife.

Doolittle will not get probation. She will have to serve the jail time and Judge Feeney informed her that she has to serve at least 85% of that time, and the good time credits cannot be applied to reduce jail time. I asked Ms. Bryson about this and clarified , "She will have to serve the remaining time in prison. She has already served almost 3 years in jail. She will get credit for that time and receive additional credits at 15% because voluntary manslaughter is a strike, and therefore, 85% of the sentence must be served.


Three years is a long time to sit waiting in jail - imagine if you were innocent.

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