Wednesday, December 03, 2008


◼ The Journal Arkley v. Humboldt
◼ "heraldo" From ag land to subdivisions
◼ Hank's (Journal) Blogthing Gans Responds


  1. Cobb is now the voice of radical nut jobs. To damn bad he and his girl friend have cost the county with the dog measure T. To bad this failure as a lawyer and a human being is scaming our youth and lost hippie dippies. It's to damn bad that Arkley ever support Gags. Worse for him that he woke up. These anti-everything(except handouts to them)hate Arkley for the very reason that he saw through them. Nothing more. That damn Arkley who helped fish&game buy adjecent properties wanting to do something with HIS property. How dare he and in the end with smart growth new age general plans how dare YOU do anything with your property. Hell, you don't even deserve to own property. You must give it to David Cobb(heraldo).DU knows whats best for you.

  2. Tis the Season!

  3. Arkley rocks. His contrabutions to this community is remarkable. The scum bags attacking him should go out a make something of themselves,then give back to the community. David Cobb of heraldo spends his extra time tied up in a B&D rooms. How sad!


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