Wednesday, December 03, 2008


☛ TS Obtainable goals on the Klamath River Op-Ed, by Denver Nelson

...Unfortunately, a few environmental groups and others continue to criticize any progress. They have no end point in mind, but are quick to pick apart the hard work of others. Many of these groups and individuals became interested in the Klamath River only when the public's awareness was raised by the 2002 fish die-off. The environmental groups realized the great fundraising potential of advertising their alleged work for the Klamath River. The Klamath problems have spawned a new growth industry of professed scientific “experts” who are more than willing (for a fee, of course) to give their opinion on the result of enacting some of these complicated solutions.

One does not need to be an “expert” to understand the effects of dams. Dams block the upstream and downstream movement of fish. Thus blocked from their breeding and rearing sites, the fish population dies. Removing the dams will allow the fish to make a comeback....

☛ TS A framework for dam removal Jill Geist
☛ TS Klamath announcement signals major progress in dam fight The Karuk, Yurok, and Klamath Tribes
☛ TS Dam removal 'off-ramps' ahead Greg King
☛ TS Pact looks to remove hydropower project on the Klamath River by 2020 John Driscoll
☛ TS Klamath dam deal struck John Driscoll


  1. I still find it interesting that the Klamath was one of only two rivers where salmon fishing was allowed this year.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like and respect Denver Nelson and his family. His mentioning his friendship with Tim McKay put a lump in my throat. I miss Tim, too.

  4. Scum bags like Greg King are interested only in their bottom line. Just a note ;the Smith river alliance just recieved a huge amount of the publics hard earned cash. Wonder why little o Greg runs back to work there? Well that and everybody hates him here. Even the enviro nuts at NEC hate him.


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