Monday, December 01, 2008

Scams, money and Measure T

Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap has a My Word in today's TS. Without Measure T, the Country is going down the drain, dontcha know. She believes in government by the people, and damn the Constitution.

Read it if you can stomach it. ☛ TS The ongoing struggle for the right to self-government ((Cough))

But ask yourself, and her next time you see her - how much money has she raised with all the solicitations of money for Measure T? They're all over the internet, with a fast easy DONATE now button. So how much has she raised?



I'm sure I would've noticed if they had a Press Conference to present the check. Maybe she did it quietly.


  1. Hey! The click to donate feature doesn't work. I think you are stomping all over my free speech rights. Dammit!

    Measure T was, in part, a strategic challenge to bad citizenship inherent in the wrongness of corporate personhood. Pacific Legal Foundation is funded by tobacco and oil corporations!

    So, you say, to hell with democracy. What you want is free speech corporatocracy. That is not in the Constitution. My right to pursue happiness was guaranteed until corporations acquired legal person status. I guess the promise of cheap sheets and some plastic crap has enticed you to give up your freedom and accept life on the reservation. You have sold out your friends and neighbors with less agitation of your conscience than it took to make your rudimentary sign.

    What the hell would you do for a quarter? Rose?

  2. Give it to you to go call someone who gives a damn about the anti-corporate idiocy of Leftists. I mean didn't the collapse of the Soviet Union and China's slide into lazy faire capitalism wake any of them up? If you want to change corporations. Use their tools to do it with, use their protections, and their profit-oriented strategies, clean it all up of exploitation of workers and resources, and succeed instead of all this puny Leftie wannabe socialist hoopla that is all talk and no substance, no economic planning, no economic foundation to replace the corporate boogieman they've created that holds their society together.

    Of course, if you're just running for office and don't give a damn about such necessities, only getting your name in Progressive lights, then by all means, go after the tiny loopholes you can find or try to create to add to corporate capitalist entertainment in the media and in court.

  3. 5:26 or Mr cobb you are full of S%#T.Just answere the simple question. How much money have you raised? PLF reps big folks,little folks and medium folks like Mercer Fraiser Co. Just like all lawyers do.I'm sure Katlin will take money from George Soros is she can get it.sO mR cOBB you lie every day and you are not a lawyer. ROTFLMAO

  4. The most laughable part was to watch David Cobb and Dave Meserve waddle up there to declare that they were really in favor of the $500 contribution cap all along, so why don't we let them write up a new law and shove it down the Board's throat.

    Never mind, of course, that David Cobb has already proven his legal ignorance where California law is concerned, and never mind that both Daves, Kaitlin and the rest attacked Chris Crawford and Greg Allen for making that exact proposal three years ago, before Measure T was even on the ballot!

    There's a forum coming up next month where the adults will discuss a reasonable campaign finance law which actually survives constitutional muster. The Democracy Unlimited cultists won't be in the room, and we can all guess which side our level-headed Supervisors are going to stick with after the $100,000 Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap just flushed down the toilet.

  5. Seriously, guys. We have far worse problems.

    I know you all care about Campaign Finance Reform (so did McCain, and look where it got him, and look at all the Barack supporters who professed to care, and who then turned a blind eye) - but, seriously, it doesn't matter a bit if you limit the money if you don't stop the unregulated Orgs - really the exact opposite of Measure T.

    That's the Orwellian beauty of the whole thing. the way they win is to divert your attention, by doing the exact same thing they profess to be against.



    You don't. And you never will.

    As long as that can happen, all you are doing is limiting the good guys, the honest guys.

    It's like disarming the honest people and arming the criminals. With oozies. you're signing your own death warrants.

    With the best of intentions. You are committing suicide on behalf of all honest people who would ever run for office and you are forever giving it over to the liars and cheats.

    Leave things alone - and go after the BAD stuff.

    Honest people will always comply with rules. bad ones won't. Change your mentality. GO AFTER THE BAD GUYS. Stop them. The honest ones will take care of themselves. Like Paul Pitino did.

    A $500 cap is like picking at a hangnail and thinking that is a real injury.

  6. Christ! You had to drag the old Soviet Union and Red China into the conversation so that you could call me a leftist. Take a break before you burst a hemorrhoid and die of shock. Rose may not know how to apply a tourniquet. She can't afford to lose a brilliant pro-Wall Street lobbyist that will defend the right of corporations to shop internationally for cheap labor. Wages aren't depressed enough in this country to convince you that large corporations aren't the glue that is holding our society together. Well, holy shit! Blame it on people who don't want Walmart moving in to depress wages further while putting small business owners and their employees out of work. You need to find a bigger target. The barrel of your opinion gun is red hot, but your aim is bad. Your representative government has been in the pocket of corporations. Look at where that got you.

    I know, you can live with it so long as you can have a Walmart.

    Part of what is great about living in a free country is the ability to choose not to do something that will hurt you and your neighbors. The freedom to shop for sweat shop products at Walmart is an immoral choice. Measure T was protection from those who exploit child labor.

    Yeah, that piece of shit, Measure T.

  7. Measure T was protection from those who exploit child labor.

    Oh b-a-l-o-n-e-y.


  8. Just so I know - is Google good corporation or a bad one?

    'Cause you're using that one. Without it you'd be sticking notes on telephone poles.

  9. 10:16,you cry a great river. Now what about the question.How much money have you raised? How many phony pancakes will you need to pretend to sell? Will we let Katlin get away her rip off? Where is the counties check?

  10. Rose - Even if a contribution cap has little effect (and Crawford is talking more like $1000 for County races these days, inflation and all), at least it would give the voters the chance to pass something lawful and constitutional by a higher percentage than the trickery known as Measure T.

    If nothing else, this would deprive DUHC of their false pride and their ability to further profit off of their fake trendsetter status, and reduce the undue influence they have over local politicians (which Kaitlin shamelessly bragged about in her T-S piece).

  11. You bet I drag the old Soviet Union and China into this discussion about denying Constitutional rights to business people. I've been a communitarian since 1971 when I co-founded Lime Saddle commune that produced Communities magazine which is still going last time I checked, 36 years later, so I feel I have some amount of time perspective on the socialist mindset which I do not see in the socialist wannabe Progressives. They don't seem to know or care about the gross economic failures of societies COMPELLED into socialist policies and I'm not talking about the Scandinavian countries which are doing pretty darn well with their mixed economies, much higher on the socialist end than here in America. They too have read their history rightly and foregone forced socialist attack on capitalist enterprise as is Measure T. In America where businesses provide most of our community support Measure T seeks to deny business people their Constitutional rights while letting organized politicos and their many non-profit ruse organizations exercise theirs.

    The socialist ethic is really a spiritual decision and not a political one. You can't force people to share. Commies tried it and it doesn't work. It takes a Higher Power to awaken the sharing component in our psyches. If forced, people will resent it and get rid of it, toss it out as soon as they regain control of their armies compelling socialists are compelled to use in order to cram forced sharing, crudely conceived and badly done, down people's throats resulting in economic collapse down the road.

    Progressives are just children playing at politics without anything more than collective groupie mindset to empower their ill-conceived political and economic fantasies. I am actually amazed our local Progressives can ignore their track record of legal stupidity in Humboldt County. The ghost of Bob Martel's lawsuit against Maxxam, tossed out of court and zapping Bob and his and Ken Miller's Humboldt Watershed Council unknown funders with one of those biggie court fines Humboldt County also has had to bear due to Progressive kids in adult clothes playing at being socialist wannabes and environmental ambulance-chasing lawyers.

  12. The problem here is that you have defined the opposition. You have shit painted me a socialist. Me, your fellow patriot and capitalist. Then you dumped every other vile description on me while the paint was still wet.

    I voted for Obama same as you, Stephen, in the hope that he will not use our military to expand American business interests as defined by the WB and the IMF. Communitarian values should not ignore the destruction of ecosystems in the interest of short term profiteers nor the ensuing poverty left in the wake of their destruction. Like you, I do not believe that forests should be sacrificed to nonlocal stock holders then converted to subdivisions in the name of short term profiteers. Your good friend Rose will disagree. I do not believe that all large corporations are equally destructive. But, I am aware of the the stress that our planet is under - over populated as it is by 9.2 billion people. Resources are not limitless. We have traded our communitarian values for cheap abundance while driving American manufacturing jobs over seas at the behest of Wall Street lobbyists. While the government is happy running on credit, it hasn't worked so well for the rest of us.

    Walmart and other giant American corporations have created a capitalist government in China. Yet 80% percent of the Chinese live in poverty. That reserve of unemployed workers will insure that wages will never achieve parity with American labor. As long as we continue to fall in line with, and defend Wall Street and its representatives in our government, China will be the black hole that drags us down into an inescapable poverty of low wages - and an equally devastating poverty of moral values.

  13. Now, I know Rose will disagree with my view of American interests expanding into developing countries, because she is an American. But, she does not share the equality of citizenship bestowed upon the citizenry of legal corporate personhood. She does not enjoy the benefit of world citizenship or the wealth and representation that legal corporate personhood guarantees around the world. She is just a customer that enjoys a second tier citizenship bereft of red carpet representation not affordable to her lowered class status.

  14. Oh, for crying out loud! You are crazy.

  15. That is your standard fall back excuse. Nothing will destroy your sanity quicker than a source for cheap sheets made by child labor in a sweat shop located on foreign soil. You are such a good American. Your mind has become a colonial outpost. Thank God for the power of corporations that use foreign governments to enforce sweatshop labor on children.

  16. 8:38 needs more tinfoil to keep out the space waves. Guess he didn't need cheap sheets to destroy his sanity.

    Hey Cobb - what are you snivelling because the TS cut your rantings off?


  17. Idiots run amok

  18. Rose: Your blog is scaring me.

  19. Richard, you should be scared, scared of the cultist thieves you've gotten into bed with over at Democracy Unlimited.

    How about you scare yourself out of your complacency, wake up, and stand up with the adults in the room who want a campaign finance law that actually does some good and actually is constiutional. You know, that one David Cobb and Dave Meserve are trying to take credit for now after attacking Chris and Greg for years for making this same proposal as an alternative to the loony Measure T.

  20. Those cheap sheets originate in American owned Pakistani sweat shops. Pakistan and India have achieved parity in military strength. They both have nuclear weapons pointed at each other. They are both in contention over their shared border. They share a common distrust of western influence, especially among the poor, and a memory of western colonial domination. Their next confrontation may be a nuclear exchange. Cheap sheets hide the real cost of western domination over that part of the world. But the whole world is our oyster. A full scale nuclear exchange will be just another opportunity for Wall street. Their are riches to be made in reconstruction, weapons sales, security and communication. And enough survivors to create a low wage labor pool for American companies to exploit. And enough cheap radioactive sheets to make your bedbugs glow.

  21. If you're gonna have this cheap sheet discussion with yourself, tell me how Tomas, and other jewelry lines figure in, tell me how any import company who goes to other countries and buys what they make and brings it over here and sells it figures in.

    Throw in the difference in money/wages - where, just for example, Obama's brother gets by on what, $24 a YEAR?

    So , if you pay him $50 a year that's a 100% raise, not cheap labor. By his standards he'd be well paid.

    Just throw that into the mix.

    It's way way more complicated than you make it out to be.

    But by your argument, you should be FOR NAFTA, which, in theory would slowly bring all nations into parity, bringing UP wages and standards of living in those other countries.

    But drop the corporate boogeyman crap, as long as the activist groups are surviving on laundered corporate donations, they don't have a leg to stand on.

  22. Your Democrat buddies funded the Pakistani death squads for years bub, so don't go distracting us with your guilt-trip crap. This is about Kaitlin and Democracy Unlimited and their lies to the public, not sweatshops.

  23. More specifically, it is about the amount of money DUHC has given to the County to help cover that $100,000 litigation expense they caused.

    Cobb/Kaitlin has quite the little empire going now though - you do realize that they are not only DUHC and the phony "group" they used to push Measure T...

    They are now also "Local Solutions," "Healthy Humboldt" and "Humboldt Watershed Council."

    Quite the corporate conglomerate they. Almost a monopoly. "Local Control" indeed. CONTROL being the operative word.

    You should also consider what control over the Water Board and water issues means - it means you can shut down industry.

    With Kaitlin in control, she can stack the decks with "stakeholders" like "Local Solutions" Healthy Humboldt" "Humboldt Watershed Council" - and no one will be the wiser.

  24. David Cobb is Heraldo.

  25. Don't forget Community Currency Project, which always was a scam (first for Fhyre Phoenix, now for DUHC), and the Humboldt Green Party, which has crashed and burned under David Cobb's misrule, purging Greg Allen and literally thousands of other Humboldt Greens who have been driven out or left in disgust.

    They haven't been making their required FPPC filings by the way, so we don't know what Cobb's doing with the little money the Greens have left. If there are any Green Party members who haven't been purged left around, they could demand a state inquiry into all this.

    Meanwhile, the other local third parties are growing, showing how people aren't turned off to alternative politics -- they're just turned off to Democracy Unlimited scams and power trips.

  26. Never heard of the diamond trade that funds weapons purchases in Africa? Countries like Sierra Leone where children are abducted and forced to join militias where they are given drugs and brain washed so that they do the vilest crimes to innocent people. The diamond trade makes that possible. How many people live on less than a dollar a day? Billions. Free trade has left them behind. Parity of wages with the US labor force will happen as American wages drop to foreign labor wage scale. The USA funded Bin Ladin and Pakistan during the Reagan administration. We have given monetary aid to Pakistan for American security in the form of Pakistani intelligence - you know those fighters that support the Taliban in
    Afghanistan and give them safe haven in Pakistan. Your problem with local control of government would be laughable but for the serious criminal activity of those outside corporate supra legal entities you wish to hand control to. Just so you can buy cheap foreign sweatshop made sheets through Walmart.

  27. Your distractions fail to distract us. This isn't about sweatshops.

  28. Yes it is! And it has been. Free Trade policy, is the cover for Wall Street thievery. Just as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund has been. Measure T was a local protective barrier that was torn down by blood money. Your kind of people. The lost wages of Palco workers makes the $44K spent by the county look pitifully small. The family businesses that are forced to close when a Walmart or a Home Depot comes to set down in an already economically distressed region will get no sympathy from you nor will the newly unemployed. Because, as you know, only socialists are unemployed and looking for a handout - and looking to buy cheap child labor sweatshop made in Pakistan bed sheets from Walmart like you.

  29. Oh, David, for all you know I weave my own from pine needles and dog fur. Knock it off.

    Measure T was a local protective barrier that was torn down by blood money...


    Measure T was a fraud and a scam. An unconstitutional FRAUD (not a victimless crime, remember?) and a scam.

    How big is the CHECK? When will you be presenting it?

  30. Measure T didn't stop a single stitch of sweatshop made clothing or bedsheets from coming into the county. It was a campaign finance law, and not a very well written one at that.

    I am not a socialist, I don't support sweatshops and I buy my clothing at the thrift store.

    Just because I'm poor, however, doesn't mean I believe your doctrinare neoliberal Democrat bullshit any more than I believe in Bush's bullshit. You'll just have to find some other angle of attack.

  31. I;m with you 12:58. I do my own thing. Always have. Always will. I'm way below the low income line. I don't lie.don't hussle others for my way and I hate a liar,thief or con man. Cobb is all 3. His girl friend has become his pretty face,now she is tainted too. Katlin if you lie down with dogs you are just the same. Shame on you. Give an accounting of the money honie!


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