Monday, December 01, 2014

Harris Street suspect Vincent Sanchez sentencing continued until January 9

Mostly due to his attorney Ms. Dixon was not present... - John Chiv/Words Worth

Harris street double murder suspect Vincent Sanchez to be sentenced this afternoon - John Chiv/Words Worth

The TS could learn from LOCO's Kym Kemp on giving due credit and Tuluwat and other blogs for original reporting - John Chiv/Words Worth

John makes a good point. For those that used to care about the sport of such things, John often scoops all other news sources. Acknowledge it. And in the spirit of what it means to BE a reporter - on-the-ground wearing out the shoe-leather information gathering, and developing sources and understanding the people involved in the stories, John is a reporter. His specialty is the courts and the trials alongside a true appreciation of the many businesses that sprout and bloom in Old Town.

It's a good thing.

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