Monday, March 31, 2008

Gallegos, Wayne Adam Ford and Karen Mitchell?

Comment posted on a thread below: Rose, you asked for more about this the other day on another thread. Here goes: PVG (Paul Varden Gallegos) and (Mike) Hislop somehow cooked up a deal with mass murderer Wayne (Adam) Ford, promising him immunity if he was willing to talk about the Karen Mitchell disappearance. Ford has apparently all but admitted being the perpetrator. Mitchell's aunt and uncle (Bill Casper, DOJ lab) agreed to the deal, for closure. On the drive down to speak with Ford, the Boy Blunder and Robin came up with the bright idea to renege on their deal. They met with Ford, told him no deal, he told them pound sand. No closure on the Mitchell tragedy. Good job PVG. Any thoughts?

Yes. I'd like to hear more about this.

Where is Karen Mitchell?
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
websleuths thread
Polly Klaas Foundation
Ford Gets Death Sentence

Online sleuths take on missing persons cases

Regarding the comment above - A meeting did take place. Dave Parris arranged a meeting. Parris, Gallegos and Hislop went down, and Hislop was at the interview, if I heard it right. Gallegos did renege on the offer of immunity. It didn't seem to matter. Ford denied having anything to do with Karen Mitchell (and it doesn't fit his profile). He also passed a subsequent (and unrelated, I think) polygraph, performed by a top polygraph expert. Ford is not considered a suspect in the Karen Mitchell killing.

The reason why Parris was able to finally get to talk to Ford is that Ford's sentencing was completed. Ford had recently (last fall) been sentenced to death, hence, the window opened to pursue any leads in that direction.


  1. Anybody know if retired Eureka detective, Dave Paris, has anything to say about the Ford- Mitchell connection? He was the lead detective in the case and is still involved with the case, from what I understand.

  2. I'm going to have to say that it doesn't fit Wayne Adam Ford's "taste" in women.

  3. The silence from Gags' supporters (those that are left, no pun intended) is deafening. But also disappointing is the silence from everyone else on this issue. Karen Mitchell needs justice.

  4. People go missing from Humboldt County all the time don't they? I wonder if trying to get Wayne Adam Ford to cop to this was more of a "second gunman on the grassy knoll" deal than to really solve the case.

    I'm very sure that Ford killed more than he got charged with, but pinning other cases on him just to close them doesn't seem right.

  5. Regarding the comment above - A meeting did take place. Dave Parris arranged a meeting. Gallegos and Hislop went down, and Hislop was at the interview, if I heard it right. Gallegos did renege on the offer of immunity. It didn't seem to matter. Ford denied having anything to do with Karen Mitchell (and it doesn't fit his profile). He also passed a subsequent (and unrelated, I think) polygraph, performed by a top polygraph expert. Ford is not considered a suspect in the Karen Mitchell killing.

    The reason why Parris was able to finally get to talk to Ford is that Ford's sentencing was completed. Ford had recently (last fall) been sentenced to death, hence, the window opened to pursue any leads in that direction.


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