Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Sack 1 Regulatory Bureaucrat, Create 98 Private Sector Jobs

Eliminating one regulator creates 98 gigs – not just this year, but next year, and the year after that, and….

Ten Things that will be Increasingly Evident to Californians by 2012
...Government has no business prospering when the economy is suffering…but Democrats would rather protect bureaucrats at the expense of services than protect services at the expense of bureaucrats.

...You can’t tax and spend your way to prosperity. More government is not the solution to every problem, but that’s the only answer Democrats can offer....

Governors come and governors go, but the legislature that holds the power of the purse strings and government oversight. If you don’t like where California’s heading, look to the legislature, and the party that’s been in charge for more than 40 years....
The 67 percent income tax rate increase Quinn and fellow Democrats approved in a January lame-duck session will bring in about $2.8 billion until the end of the budget year on June 30, but there’s “simply not enough money to go around,” according to the budget office...
Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka today said the state will end the budget year $8 billion "in the red” unless changes are made.

“The prescription for our financial recovery is simple: stop spending more than we bring in,” said Topinka, a Republican. “But sadly, that still has not occurred.”

You want to save services in Humboldt County?


Go back to every article covering the budget for the last 9 years. you will see the State stealing the money from the County. They have NEVER fixed their problems at the state, they kept spending and spending and spending. And every year they take more.

And every time they tell the taxpayers it is cut police and fire, or raise taxes, while they add on more and more and more spending.

Say NO. Keep police and fire. They are the very last things that should be cut - and that should never happen.

And right now, while you're waiting for Chesbro to do his job - cut the Planning and Building Departments entirely. There's no building going on, and whenever anyone tries, all those departments are is an obstacle that drives up the price. You want affordable housing? You'll never get it with the policies you have allowed to go on here.

You can raise taxes til the cows come home, and Wes and his pals will take more and spend twice as much as you raise. It's ain't gonna solve nuthin' - no matter what your Supervisors tell you at these 'listening tours.'

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