Friday, August 25, 2006


So who were these people Salzman couldn't call off? He said there were five of them working on it every day. Who were they.

If you assume Richard Salzman, Paul Gallegos and Tim Stoen make up three, was it fair to assume that this Michael Shellenberger was number four?

And why is someone from Sacramento involved in starting the so-called "Alliance for Ethical Business" to protect the PL lawsuit Stoen had announced he would be filing?

Who was Michael Shellenberger?

A quick google search revealed a rather powerful public relations activist who had been involved in the activist side of the Headwaters saga, on the ground in Humboldt County on and off since 1997, with links to Earth First, Salmon Forever, and Ken Miller.

Bragging about pressuring public officials and swaying public opinion in the Headwaters Deal. how they had successfully portrayed Hurwitz as the "robber baron," how they had "publicized lockdowns" and how, once the Headwaters Deal was finalized, their "work was far from over."

Largely behind the scenes during the Recall, once the Recall failed, Shellenberger wrote a self congratulatory piece, in which he claimed that he had been hired by Richard Salzman, and that he had moved himself and his family up here for the final weeks of the Recall campaign.

If he had in fact been hired by Salzman, it means Richard had a lot of money up front in this deal. How much money did the so-called "Alliance for Ethical Business" have, where did it come from, who put it up, and how was it utilized?

Since Shellenberger was involved from the inception, I find it unlikely that he was hired by Salzman.

So many questions that needed answering. So many questions remain unanswered today.

But it is fair to conclude that this was no simple lawsuit. Paul Gallegos had not "discovered evidence of fraud" and simply decided to file charges. there was much more to it than that.

This is a highly complex and highly politically charged story.... It involves fraud and corruption, it involves powerful alliances, the environmental activist community, plots to stack the county's power structure with sympathizers, and deception of the highest degree. It involves the use of easy rhetoric to deflect any attention to what is going on - and, most importantly it showcases what appears to be the extreme arm of the environmental community's powerful new weapon - the court system, in the form of the newly elected District Attorney of Humboldt County.

It appeared to be the culmination of a decade long effort to get Palco.

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