Thursday, February 25, 2016

Arreaga case falls apart, ends with 'Not Guilty'

Recently acquitted in double homicide, Arreaga still has preliminary hearing scheduled for possession of drugs in jail - John Chiv/Words Worth

" Arreaga got away with murdering Angel Tully and Harley Hammers Jr! We really feel he was the shooter and Shavonne Hammers was the cause of it! " - John Chiv/Words Worth

Jury in Fieldbrook double homicide case second trial finds Arreaga not guilty on both counts - John Chiv/Words Worth

Second jury trial for double murder in Fieldbrook concludes, jury deliberations started late this afternoon - John Chiv/Words Worth

1 comment:

  1. Will citizens in Humboldt County ever have the protection of adequate law enforcement and prosecution? If you look at the facts it's frightening: you really can get away with murder in Humboldt County.


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