Saturday, December 17, 2011

Entertainment. And Poison.

It's entertaining to watch the meltdown over WalMart at The Herald. Evidently Target, KMart and Costco are now cherished local businesses who will be affected by a similar competitor.

It's a little less entertaining to see Richard spreading his poison. There's no campaign in play at the moment, but he's conducting the scorched-earth smear campaign early, hoping upon hope that if he says it often enough you all will come to think it is true.

One of his targets is Rex Bohn. And Richard brings up every dirty little thing he can make up and hope will stick. With no evidence to back it up, as is always the case - it's smear and innuendo. It's not the echo-chamber he hopes to convince, but you, the reporters who surf the blogs all day long.

He delights in bringing up CalPine. Let's not forget that Richard got in bed with Bonnie Neely, who, in her position as Supervisor was engaged in serial back door meetings with CalPine. The company was meeting with as many local officials as they could, long before the community ultimately said, "No, we don't want it."

It's old news, and the hypocrisy wears thin.

In his life - Richard will be lucky to have done 1/100th of the positive work for this (his) community as Rex has. Richard has not created a goddam thing, except the poisonous smear machine he heads.

You looking for a fight, Richard? Poor baby.

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