
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hysterical! (with links)

It really has been a funny week, capped off today with Richard Salzman's latest "My Word." He's complaining about "professional spin doctors ... repeating ... worn-out arguments" being hired to "badger county government and bamboozle the public..." He talks of "another front group ... shedding crocodile tears.." And he asks "Where will (fill in the blank's) concern for our community be the day after (the) paychecks stop coming in? Will (fill in the blank) ... just go on to (fill in the blank's) next lucrative public relations campaign?"

Hysterical! Like so many of his others, you just have to try reading it, but substitute his name everywhere he says "Kay Backer."

Funny - it just sounded so FAMILIAR! somehow -
You know that first line? How often is the Times-Standard going to subject its readers to the repeated rants of...

Well, then there's his previous rant against Backer. Is it identical? Virtually?
HELP is of no help to Humboldt
My Word by Richard Salzman
Article Launched: 04/13/2006 04:27:25 AM PDT

In response to Kay Backer's My Word of March 22, “Getting Humboldt leaders to lead”: Kay Backer is a paid professional spin doctor from Sacramento. Hired by local developers, she is paid to badger county government and bamboozle the public. She feigns concern for our families by shedding crocodile tears about so-called affordable housing here in Humboldt County....

So - How long are we going to be subjected to the repeated rants of...Richard Salzman?


  1. You're so 2003-2004 Rose, don't deny it.

  2. This was one of Richard's better My Words here.Well said Richard.Like him or not,he's right on this one.
    But,just like Rob Arkley and his ridiculous lawsuit,where he's supposedly speaking for the poor,I really don't need Richard to point out what a fraud this lady is.

  3. Looks like a turf war.

  4. You're so 2003-2004

    Don'tcha love it! But the blog is SO 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010...

  5. nice try 2:05, but the FACT is that you wouldnt be responding at all if your post was true...

  6. His last one like this was titled Watchdog group should reveal donor donations TS 12/17/04

    Substiuting his name for his target that time... guess who he was talking against: "Whether their front man is (fill in the blank - Michael Shellenberger in Sacramento or Richard Salzman and the Alliance for Ethical Business,) hiding their identity in the dark only shows the apparent shame the funders of these ads feel for the political positions they are taking."

    " But in the case of (fill in the blank - Richard Salzman) and (fill in the blank - the Alliance for Ethical Business,) we feel (fill in the blank - the AEB) continues to violate clear and well-understood campaign disclosure laws in an attempt to hide the identities of those who put up the money (fill in the blank - to defeat the Recall and support the PL lawsuit. ")

  7. not sure why, but I trust Richard over Rose on this one

  8. You know that first line? How often is the Times-Standard going to subject its readers to the repeated rants of...

    Then there's his previous rant against Backer. Is it identical? Virtually?
    HELP is of no help to Humboldt
    My Word by Richard Salzman
    Article Launched: 04/13/2006 04:27:25 AM PDT

    In response to Kay Backer's My Word of March 22, “Getting Humboldt leaders to lead”: Kay Backer is a paid professional spin doctor from Sacramento. Hired by local developers, she is paid to badger county government and bamboozle the public. She feigns concern for our families by shedding crocodile tears about so-called affordable housing here in Humboldt County.... blah, blah, blah

    Nothing Salzman is doing is going to make housing more affordable here in Humboldt County. And nothing is going to make a minimum $340,000 "low income" house affordable either.

  9. Kay Backer is OK by me. And I wouldn't know her from R. Trent.

    I don't know all this issues or background on this one but!! The county (and a particular county employee) doesn't seem to encourage or allow regular everyday homebuilding. It does seem that Humboldt "progressives" don't want progress. No Home Depot, no new housing developments, and so on. But they use the phrase "affordable housing", but with no new construction of course.

    I don't think all new housing has to be at the $500K and above level. How about some condo's? PUD's so people can get started on the dream of home ownership?

    Let's face it there is a real problem in Humboldt County as housing goes. The problem is mainly north of Eureka. Nobody wants to talk about it openly but a few property managers and landlords might. The problem, marijuana! The county's 99 plant 215 policy has attracted hundreds (if not a couple thousand) to Humboldt to grow marijuana. Grow it here where it's almost legal and mail it to friends elsewhere where the prices for marijuana are high. If by chance you get caught it's NBD (NO BIG DEAL), with the current justice system and general apathy not much will happen to you if you get caught. So move in from Ohio, or Georgia, rent a house or two or three, use one to live in and one or two for growing marijuana, make a lot of money with little risk of any real legal problems. Property managers will tell you, if they are being truthful, this is a real problem. One Arcata property manager, handling dozens of rentals, told me that they increased security deposits from $600 or $800 to $1800 plus just to help cover the damage caused by indoor marijuana grows. There may not be a housing shortage if people lived all the houses. Maybe (probably) the cost of housing in Humboldt wouldn't be so high if it weren't for the marijuana growers, that's my opinion.

    And do I think Mr. Salzman realy cares about any young couple in Humboldt County stuggling to buy their first house? No I don't. Salzman bags on Kay Backer because she is a "paid" consultant. Well what is Mr. Salzman? He's been lying low trying to clean up his image after being exposed on the letters to the editor. His integrity is still in question.

  10. You might want to ask, HOW MUCH Salzman was paid to be a part of the Gallegos, Kerrigan and Neely campaigns. Then you might want to ask HOW MUCH Kay Backer is paid. The difference will be very telling. Since Rose seems to know everything, why don't you tell the people how much money Mastermind Salzman has made being a political consultant.

    Adding up Salzmans take on the Geist, Gallegos, Recall, Kerrigan and Neely(?) campaigns would add up to a fraction of what this woman is paid in just ONE YEAR.

  11. Put away your class warfare card, Missy.

    This isn't about rich vs. poor. It isn't about how much he made, it is how he plays the game. I haven't noticed Ms. Backer trying the despicable scorched earth, destroy everyone who stands in your way tactics that Salzman - and the oh-so-sterling Nichols - have.

    But is is interesting that you add Neely into the mix.

    And for the record, Salzman was a volunteer on Geist's campaign - paid nothing, same as all the rest of us. And, though many have given him credit for it, he was NOT her campaign manager.

  12. What? I thought Salzman was a highly paid artist's representative.

  13. And Richard was a unpaid "gofer" on the first Gallegos campaign.

  14. So, what is that? 10k, 15k tops for political activism since 2000? Sorry Rose, you can try to build up Salzman all you want, and he would probably go along with it. But numbers are numbers, and he just doesn't compare to the real thing. What is amazing is how riled up you get over this man.

  15. He he. You keep on tryin'. What no laundry list this time?

    We'll never know how much money Salzman raised, spent, or kept, as the "Alliance for E-t-h-i-c-a-l Business" - or any of his other "groups" for that matter. At least without a police investigation, with the power to view his bank accounts.

    And, again, it isn't about the money. It's about his hatred of Arkley and his drive to shut down anything Arkely is associated with.

    The funniest thing is him crying foul over Arkley having a "group."

    To quote Cap'n Buhne - Pot. Kettle. BLACK.

    Why do you denigrate him as if you are not associated with him, yet you are hand in hand?

  16. See Rose, with you it always boils down to conspiracy and paranoia. The more you inflate these events the more your grasp on peoples imaginations slips through your fingers. I'm just here to point that out.

  17. 11:40 are you for real? This is an example of the fool David Cobb's idea of dEMOCRACY. Just embrace it.

  18. Where RS's money comes from has always been a question of interest.What we see from our little travails just doesn't seem to add up. Large sources of money can be very ingenious in its delivery. I wonder how the RS crowd will justify trying to shut down the legally zoned,eco-friendy in-fill development in Manila? Who will pay that bill?

  19. The next thing we need to hear from Salzman is an explanation for the actions of this derelict DA he sold us.


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