
Monday, December 01, 2014

To all the Cops, everyone in law enforcement and their families.

Thank you for what you do.

Every. Day.

Thank you.


  1. Our two crime-watchers honor their provider of news, most all of it bad and ugly and a running tally of our socially dysfunctional society. To all the Poor People without whom there would be no Cops to make them pay for being poor. Just look at crime stats of Humboldt County to see that poverty and crime are coexist - - as are our abundance of cops and lawyers and laws and prisons, the most of any country on earth per cap now. Honor that? I don't think so..

  2. No, they're the people who put their lives on the line every day. They get calls from people who don't like their neighbor's loud stereo, and they go talk to the person, because the caller is 'too afraid.' And that's on a good day. They're the ones who have to face the real bad guys. They're the ones who leave every morning not knowing if they are going to come home at night. And they do it for YOU. So you don't have to.

    If I were them, today, I would walk of the job in mass protest. But they won't, because it would leave you without protection, and that's a risk they won't take.

    1. Rose. I join you in thanking our peace officers. But I do wonder if any of this is pandering. Kinda like the right wing obsession with supporting the troops.

      Thank them with greater salaries, thank them with good pensions, etc.

      If this is about coming home safe and protecting us, there are at least 10 professions in America who need more thanks than peace officers.

      Right now, if you haven't noticed, we are facing a national crises based on our inability to find ways to hold potential peace officer mistakes accountable.

      How are we to reconcile the killing of someone who was innocent up to a few minutes before his death by a public bullet? How will we find justice for someone whose terminal mistake was to be intoxicated at his home? Remember only one officer chose to shoot him and it happened to be the last officer on the scene.

      I agree, we need to thank our heroes, and our cops are among them. Let's just not let our gratitude impede a fair system for all of us, even those who may not have the power or influence of money or having the right color skin.

      The 10 Deadliest Jobs:

      1. Logging workers
      2. Fishers and related fishing workers
      3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
      4. Roofers
      5. Structural iron and steel workers
      6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
      7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
      8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
      9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
      10. Construction laborers

  3. Jon, you and Rose are your own worst enemies. The answer to your questions is to simply enforce the law and do away with the impunity. A good start would be to fire the current police Chief Mills and for the new DA to file charges in the Tommy McClain murder.

    Your understanding of what a "hero" is is rather juvenile. Cops are NOT heroes simply for making a living as a cop anymore than a fireman or a soldier. I was a "logger" most of my life. I never went to work that I didn't kiss my wife and wave goodbye, the both of us knowing that might be the last time we spoke to one another. NO ONE EVER called or treated me as a "hero." Time to get these arrogant thugs down off their pedestal and treat them for what they are, an aberration of society.

  4. By the way Rose, what you say the EPD does in this town because they are so generous and magnanimous is a crock and I'm living proof. The only way I got that protection you talk about was telling them I'd take care of my own problems. The troublemakers wanted no part of that. When everyone realizes their right to self-defense is an enforceable right, these cops will all be out of a job. Something the black and poor people forgot in this country. But they are remembering.

  5. Oh, I'm remembering all right, because for my Humboldt County protection of my civil rights, my right to live in my apt and receive what the majority of California voters approved was medical benefit from marijuana under Prop 215, well, NOT a single blessed law enforcement in this county protected me from eviction for using my 215 medicine-- in Humboldt County, seniors and disabled people living in HUD subsidized low-income apts are getting evicted. I'm one of them. And there is no legal recourse, the Senior Legal Service lawyer a joke because there's no legal recourse to 215 evictions. Not in our county. No protection, you're out on the street if you don't stop using medical marijuana. And that's "law"?

    It's a crock of shit is what it is and the tyranny of the majority who all used to think like Rose, as if society were this game where you choose sides and duke it out all your life in the game roles, with winners and losers of course built into the game. Three strikes, you're out. You lose. Tough but that's life..Ha! That's American life and it sucks as is. A total dysfunctional system as anyone with brains can see when compared to what really is a functional society: the Scandinavian ones.

    Society should and must be treated as FAMILY. Anything less creates monstrosity in power abuse and misery for the majority. You don't know how to treat "criminals" as family members, the idea is foreign to you but really, someone has to do it, to start treating ALL human beings in Humboldt County as Family. Where you don't imprison family members because they are crazy and violent, you head that behavior off at the Family level, the School as Family level, the Community as Family level. No more artificial social classes and class warfare if you are serious about ending crime and bringing Family Values back to America.

  6. Well, quite frankly, given that this is the prevalent attitude right now - and it is obvious that even the pinnacle of power in this country won't stand behind them, if I were in law enforcement right now, I would get together with my co-workers and walk off the job, en masse. The people don't stand with you? Then it is not safe for you and it is not worth it. Let the people have what they appear to be asking for, or are allowing to happen.

    1. Well said, Rose. I believe you are finally getting something figured out. It's time the people learned to deal with the criminal element for themselves and that includes paranoid cops. The best thing they could do for everyone is stay home. Maybe then they would learn "to stand with the people." Not against them.

  7. And that's why Republicans with your attitude are as divisive of society as any of our "radical" protesters. You both create class warfare which destroys community by destroying Family inclusion. I am one of Humboldt County's activists and now I am forced to leave Humboldt County because of one landlady's power trip being backed by LAW protecting Landlords against tenant rights. Not a single soul in Humboldt County is stopping this abuse of power of landlords to evict the poor and in my case, the California majority voters guarantee of my Constitutional right to use my medicine from my medicine bag, not anyone else's. You want to protect the people who enforce these criminal acts against the poor who cannot afford legal defense. Republicans and Democrats with your attitude are kept that way by the US school system that never teaches what it takes to make society work right. There's no public accountability to our social system as it runs on Mammon worship of the almighty dollar from top level to bottom, everyone out to get as much money out of the system as possible. And we kill our future generations by saddling them with these incredibly stupid retirement salaries for public officials and high level corp execs, while the rest of seniors have to scrape by without whose existence and work these execs and public officials would not exist. But is there recognition of this fact of life? No, we are taught to think like dinosaurs and act out our fate as social dysfuntionals permanently that way and best let the System deal with it, i.e. don't think, just's called reactionary response and it runs across the board here in Humboldt County to keep everyone from dealing rationally with our social problems.

    1. Steve, based on your attitude on the blogs and paranoid accusations, Humboldt County is better off without you. I feel sorry for the residents in your new home.

      There is no abuse of power except in your head. Learn to get along with others and respect rules. You are disrespectful and your landlady probably had enough.

      If you are moving, why are you on the blogs?

  8. What an ass! Siding with FED bureaucrats unwilling to give up their lucrative jobs creating a class of criminals out of pot users, and in my case siding with the landlady using one Jehovah's Witness tenant's complaint against my medical mj use and that is all it takes to evict a 70 year old man and put him on the street in Humboldt County. I've lived here 13 years and was blessed with two former landlord couples for 7 of those years before the corporation hired this current by the book pro property management/anti-tenant relationship power tripper who's singled out male tenants who question her edicts for harassment and eviction. I'm the second one driven out, one died, two younger men have compromised and made their peace and won't speak up. So that's your Humboldt County, bud or dude, and you are welcome to it. It's Humboldt County's great loss that I leave for friendlier territory and perhaps even nicer people not out to play vicious war games with each other as is the rule for Humboldt's popular blogs. Fighting each other is the rule here, not cooperation. And certainly NO Protection for Seniors and Disabled in Humboldt County against corporate and Law abuse of power over our lives.

  9. I had to wait in line at the Social Security office for about an hour and half to get one piece of paper needed for reference. There are now two cops at the SS office entry who question you like you were a criminal carrying a weapon. We go through three cops now to get into our courthouse. Our courthouse. Our Social Security office. Cops control entry because why? Because we live in a Police State where Cops Rule without any accountability or oversight to the People who put them into their guns and big noisy SWAT uniforms and cars and guns and more guns. Police State, right here in river city Eureka.

  10. I've been Humboldt County's social critic for most all my years here and I really don't give a damn about my critics criticizing me--social critics, serious ones like me, are extremely tough skinned and have to be because of so many people wanting nothing more than to lay into people trying to improve social conditions, our society produces these "watchdogs" who are there like anon above to bark and bite at anyone who speaks up in public. Yet these watchdogs are fraidy cats fearing public recognition for their dastardly deeds so they hide behind anonymity, like trolls that they are, coming out from under our bridges to hurl turds at those who help and not hinder social cohesion and well-being.

  11. So when are you leaving? The sooner, the better. You give weed smokers a bad name.

  12. Soon, and I do want to thank all of Humboldt County for putting me through the grinder here as God intended for me to produce spectacularly and I have so produced: 1) a completely new biologically based social evolution theory -1975. 2) a Psychedelic Art Movement masterpiece that was so recognized by two most prominent art curators in N. California--Curator of the De Young Museum who personally selected my painting to go into the San Francisco Art Commission Gallery, and the Curator of the U.C. Berkeley Art Museum who also praised my work. 3) the Bridge, SoHum's still most successful community activists meeting hall and library that I ran for 5 years and hosted hundreds of meaningful community discussions including 2 C.R. classes. 4) a brand new Christian theology that will eventually supersede Pauline Christianity, 5) The Sword of Christ, the Sword of Peace, that was honored by over 500 Nazarean Christians in one of Christianity's most holy cities, Nazareth, at Easter of 2003, that story written up in the NCJ, and a Keeper of Paxcalibur who is Nazareth's highest level priest, 6) the Josephine Vision, the world's first true melding of Old World Holy Land spiritual Savior tradition with New World Native American spirituality, my spiritual work being a miracle of acceptance by the world's most territorial religious group of people, the Lakotas and the Northern Cheyenne nations. 7) The NACUA system for Native Americans to gain economic status that can compete successfully with VISA/Mastercard monopoly that I am currently working with the Oglala Lakota Nation on, Humboldt's Bear River tribal council so casino corrupted they rejected NACUA while Oglala are delighted to see them go, knowing their history of abuse of me, so heap it on, the more you scorn me the more favor I receive in the eyes of others outside this little political war zone called Humboldt County. 8) the Next Big Thing, in wearable tech as I work with a master computer system designer on a new product that will eclipse Google Glass and all the wearable techs today. So all in all, the squeezing, the poundings by my critics, and all the putting me through some of the worst experiences of my life has worked to put me into the history books where Humboldt County will receive the black eye it deserves for its domination by political jerks in and out of office. Thanks again, Humboldt County!

    1. Is Steve Lewis clinically insane?

      Rose, this is your friend, correct? Makes sense I guess.

  13. If the Archbishop of the Holy Land Dioceses is insane then Steve Lewis is too as Archbishop invited me to have tea with him in honor of my bringing the Sword of Peace to the Holy Land where it is honored still today as the Holy Land's most spiritually powerful religious icon. Even Muslims honored Paxcalibur as the true Sword of Jihad. Spiritually unconscious political people have no awareness of these things which appear to them as madness but we spiritually conscious people aren't influenced by the those with lesser awareness of their world and it is our work that overrides Everything else in the end. Jesus' wisdom is proven true with me: "A prophet is not without honor except in his own community." And that is truly the case here, is it not?

    1. The only scripture that applies to you Steve is false prophet.

    2. Time will tell, not you. Jesus gave the wisdom re telling true prophets from false ones. "By their fruits ye shall know them", i.e. by what the future and time shows of the consequences of present prophesy and revelation. If God is truly with me as I believe, then something totally new has happened in the spiritual realm and its revealing on earth: a grand prophesy bearing has occurred as I bring prophesy and revelation to four great spiritual traditions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the Lakota and Northern Cheyenne White Buffalo Calf Woman prophesy. There has never been a Jewish Christian grand prophet but this won't mean anything to most of the readers here. Where Mammon rules spiritual consciousness is pretty much devalued and pushed to the side for politics and community fighting, everyone joining in the competition for status and security. Social security you see where people work most of their lives and produce and then expect society to take care of them in their old age. Now society here puts 70 year old seniors on the street and this is called "Law"..our legal system..

    3. Insanity, sign of false prophet. Proclaiming yourself as one, another sign.

      Many mad men claimed they have the truth. You are an embittered, angry man who smokes too much and rants. Attacking anyone who has values left.

      Blog away Steve, those who can will make a difference by positive actions, not hate.

    4. Like I say you opinion does not matter in the slightest as you are not the Melkite Catholic Archbishop of the Holy Land Dioceses or former President of Oglala Lakota Nation, are you. You are in effect saying these leaders are insane along with me. I think it is you who are the likely one not possessing all your marbles as you obviously can't see that highly respectable people value my spiritual work. Go throw your turds at someone else, cowardly anonymous troll.

    5. You dont care about anyone's opinion other than your own. You are insane. Your speaking about any religion is invalid because whay you write is your delusions.

      As for religion, any religion, what is true or not, you are not the authority. I will not address any religion or leader because you are not their spokesman.

      You are just a nut with too much time on your hands. Your comments provide more documentation for your landlady so keep typing Steve.

    6. Like I said, your opinions don't matter at all do they? Why? Because you can't tell the difference between your own bias and anger at me (why? where's your beef with me?) and real live religious and governmental authorities who respect me for my spiritual work. You don't count in other words as all you do is be another one of the local blog anonymous a-hole trolls who have no other life than trolling after activists doing for the community.

    7. You have no achievment. The only troll is you. Except for this blog, no one publishes your drivel. You have achieved nothing. You lost your home because of your hate. Be a man, if you have any, take responsibility. All you do is rant.

    8. Hey, you could take your little jealous rant to somebody who cares about you. We know you've never done a damn thing for society and nobody respects you so you take out your little life of nothing on others who actually have real lives and do things for the community. So last word, you can have it if your tiny ego needs it, go for it, troll, its all you got in your favor..

  14. Well, having am armed guard at the Social Security Office IS insane, and a mark of how far we have fallen.

  15. Yes, agreed. I am waiting to see if my landlady has ruined my ability to get into any rent subsidized housing ever again. This is the terror tool landlords hold over tenants to force them to leave lest they lose their case in court and have an eviction on their record. One eviction, no low-income housing for you. 215 medical marijuana patient, no low-income housing for you. This is Humboldt County and no one is stepping up to the bat to defend California legal right to use medical marijuana by seniors and disabled in low-income housing. Amazing but true. Defend trees, defend tree roots, oh yeah, let's get hundreds of protesters and dozens of lawsuits but defend senior and disabled 215 medical marijuana rights? Oh no, that's too controversial..

    Pathetic lack of concern for seniors and disabled by Humboldt County.

    1. I'm surprised, given 215 is the law, and it is considered to be medicine.

  16. FED anti-pot law rules in eviction of 215 tenants in Humboldt County. Local judges will not go up against FED law and side with landlords to evict 215 seniors and disabled in HUD financed low-income housing. This is happening in Humboldt County. The pressure to cave into landlord eviction and move before going to court is immense. I'm in that situation right now where I'm waiting to see if my landlady has ruined my tenant record or not in my application to another low-income housing, one I was very lucky to find outside of Humboldt County as most all low-income housing have long waiting lists. If my tenant record has been compromised I don't know whether to stay and fight in court and probably lose, but fight against the injustice of it all, or just get out of here a.s.a.p. and leave Humboldt County where there is NO protection against eviction for 215 by landlords.

  17. 215 was passed because regular people believed a guy shouldn't be arrested for a lid in his glove box, kids shouldn't go to jail over a pot plant growing in their parent's back yard, it was a wink and a nod towards outright legalization. It's been a sham from the get-go, and should have been made fully legal within a couple years of 215 passing.

    Instead, it became big business, and there were many unfortunate unintended consequences. One of those was growers renting houses and filling them up with dirt, ripping holes in the walls, stringing grow lights and over burdening electrical systems with faulty wiring - resultant house fires and tremendous property damage destroyed the hopes and dreams of many landlords, who had purchased houses, intending for the rent to cover the mortgages, and maybe someday have a nest-egg independent of social security themselves. They can't recover from $80,000 plus losses from that kind of disaster. Even if the house didn't burn down, the mold damage, the sheetrock damage all costs huge amounts of money.

    So, landlords have taken stands. Rental agreements have been crafted, and have had to be crafted to protect the landlord from those kinds of predatory renters.

    This leaves the simple person, who really just wants to go a couple of plants for their own use - medical or otherwise - out in the cold. These are the people the law was originally intended to protect.

    It's not the landlord's fault. It's the fault of the criminal growers. That's who you should be mad at, they ruined it for everyone.

    Just legalize it already and put us all out of this misery or pot politics. It's such a waste of time and effort. And for what?

  18. Is this the same Steve Lewis that hates Israel? You are breaking my heart

  19. Israel breaks the heart of all decent Jews. Zionism was the one the worst ideas ever created by man.

  20. That Zionism still lives on in Humboldt County where elsewhere we Jews are rejecting it completely only is another telltale sign that Humboldt County is a moral backwater, even the "Progressives" here are out of step with Bay Area Progs most all of whom are firmly lined up against Zionist Israeli policies of apartheid.

  21. I still remember confronting Richard Salzman as he mirrored, could very well be, anonymous 10:17, protective pro-Zionist Israel stance. I told him as I tell you (again?!) that no, I do not support racism in Jewish form as practiced by Israelis against Palestinian Gentile Arabs.

  22. It appears that Rose has a Steve Lewis problem

  23. I actually feel sorry for you Steve

  24. Why? Everything that I go through in Humboldt County is part of my spiritual path that I would not trade for any person's life on earth. I have been blessed beyond any other other activist in history as I am not only a social change activist, I am a recognized prophesy bearer to the White Buffalo Calf Woman tradition, an honor no Christian white man in history has ever received. Northern Cheyenne and Oglala tribal leaders are people who value my work while here you anon, align yourself with the typical Humboldt negative trolls on parade every day passing their gas and turds out to the public as "social interaction"..


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