◼ Judge Feeney has been the judge overseeing the hearings; formner DDA Elan Firpo was assigned to the case; today we find out who takes over. Bullock is being represented by Conflict Counsel's Kaleb Cockrum. - John Chiv/Words Worth
◼ Bullock whispers "I love you" to supporters in audience; Fr. Freed's family retains Kathleen Bryson - John Chiv/Words Worth
The case is being prosecuted now by DDA Stacey Eads. In court DA Investigator John Burke was present.
◼ Bullock Appears in Court, Kathleen Bryson Retained by Family of Father Freed - Ryan Burns/Lost Coast Outpost
Bullock’s trial for the torture and murder of Father Freed is scheduled to begin on Jan. 26.
I wished I could have been in the Courtroom for this one. I would have whispered, "I hate you" to Mr. Bullock.