
Tuesday, July 01, 2014

And, another big one...

Allegations of kidnapping, human trafficking, forcible rape and more in Anderson jury trial - John Chiv/Words Worth.
The allegations above also include oral copulation, sexual intercourse with force and violence, one alleged victim between the ages of 14 and 18 and sexual battery. And this is just the charging document.

Today DDA Luke Brownfield and Anderson's attorney, Ben McLaughlin gave opening arguments....

Chiv can't cover all the trials, you guys are gonna need to send some more reporters.

"Because of my situation, I felt I had no control over what my body was doing; it was David's decision." - John Chiv/Words Worth 6/2/14

Ex girlfriend of Bodhi Tree who also knew David Anderson provides a human side to these two men - John Chiv/Words Worth 6/2/14

David Anderson and Jason Warren court dates update. Warren death penalty sought; Anderson human trafficking, sex offenses and more - John Chiv/Words Worth 4/30/14

Human trafficking with a minor, new count added to David Anderson case - John Chiv/Words Worth 4/16/14

Will David Anderson Trial commence as scheduled or not? - John Chiv/Words Worth 5/6/14

Anderson prelim today, McLaughlin vs Brownfield round 2 - John Chiv/Words Worth 5/6/14

Anderson, Ferrer, Bodhi Tree, Hillegeist, Littlefield and more; only so many Judges and Courtrooms - John Chiv/Words Worth 2/25/14

Former DeputyDA Ben McLaughlin (now defense attorney) scores a win against former co-worker - John Chiv/Words Worth 4/24/14
The defense had filed a motion that there was failure to provide adequate discovery. Count 1 of kidnapping and Count 6 threats to commit crime resulting in death were dismissed earlier in the case. The case was dismissed the day jury trial was to proceed.


  1. Funny, with your blog post headline, I thought you were writing about your latest bowel movement

  2. Speaking of which we have Legal Insurrection's piece of shite trying to downplay Israeli revenge mode by telling us not to blame those poor "settlers”, nobody really knows for sure, etc."

    The fact is all Israelis coming from Europe and America and anywhere but Palestine are "settlers" with about as much "Right of Return" as Chinese Muslims would have trying to claim Mecca and Saudi Arabia as their "homeland". Palestinians have been invaded by Europeans in the last wave of European colonization that was conveniently orchestrated by the winners of WW II using the fledgling U.N. to do the dirty work of installing a European colony in the heart of the Middle East to first control the Suez Canal then all the Middle East oil fields in various sheikdom hands. Israel was installed by breaking the U.N.'s Charter protecting the right to self-determination of indigenous peoples.

    Palestinians and Arab peoples in general are not going to let Europe and America get away with installing their European colony and that's the bottom line Americans never understand, thinking that with enough fire power any land can become part of the New World Order. But they didn't recon on Vietnamese refusing to believe this lie and that is the same case with Palestinians. It's their land and they will eventually evict foreign occupation and control by Zionists backed by America's taxpayers, none of whom are being told by our government their taxes support racial discrimination and killings of innocents--and yes, kidnappings of Palestinians youths, over 500 now languishing Israeli prisons with no specific charges but never released. You get a Wall of Zionist Propaganda mostly here in America like with Legal Insurrection's voicing Zionists and never Palestinian victims.

  3. I wonder if Rose even bothers to read Stephen's religious rants


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