
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Turn Your Blog into a Book with Blog2Print

To continue Blogger's 10th anniversary celebration, I’m delighted to announce that Blog2Print has now partnered with Blogger. Blog2Print lets you publish some or all of your posts and photos as a professionally-printed, full-color book.

Jack - and Kym - this is for you.


  1. That's pretty cool Rose. Now if I can just get my blog up the quality deserving of print.

    I could see a small magazine perhaps. Rose, you already have a book.

  2. I was thinking Kym and jack have the makings of a great book with their fabulous photos and musings. Ernie, too, and Jennifer, and SoHumBorn if she writes again.

    I do have a project in mind, but not this one. I am looking forward to June.

  3. I'll have to check out Kym and Jack. Ernie would be able to do a good coffee table book, probably be able to sell that. Yours could be a sort of Perry Mason type book.
    I don't fancy myself as a book writer. I'm not cut from that cloth. I have a hard time speaking proper English. I am learning to take decent pictures though, maybe I have a future in that. The camera is like a microphone in many ways.

  4. Yeah - it would be cool, Tom, you have alot of experiences to write about - and someday people will be looking back at our times and it would be a window into what it was like.


  5. Thanks Rose. There are some bloggers that will be making great books if this works out.
    Just another thing in the future that is here that we didn't count on.

  6. how do i get blog2print? where do i go to set-up my blog to print into a book?


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