
Friday, December 19, 2008

Forget Rick Warren

Science magazine reports that John Holdren, a professional environmental judgment day doomsayer, is going to become Barack Obama's top science adviser.

John Holdren is the ultimate example of the pseudointellectual impurities that have recently flooded universities and academies throughout the Western world....

Crackpot John Holdren will become Obama's science adviser


  1. I don't know anything about him, but his resume is impressive. Maybe he can partially offset the Monsanto-approved appointments of Vilsak and Salazar.

  2. Get real. When they start listening to 60+ year old farmers then and only then will this government have the tools for Obama to get something done.

  3. Well, I agree with theorems 1 and 4. The article's author seemed demented with hysteria. What were theorems 2 and 3? Oh well, seems like a good choice to me. Especially if he is not approved by Monsanto. But then a higher concentration of Monsanto's trademarked chemicals in our water will probably take care of any over-population issues at some point. Seems to have been wiping-out amphibian populations for the past few years.

  4. Sounds like a great choice. That's for the help convincing me Rose.

  5. 5:44,you sheep,do you really think you are fooling anyone with your line of crap?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Those damn Harvard educated scientists really don't know what they are talking about, do they-

  9. leading experts on climate change who have advocated forceful government action.

    Those are your key words.

  10. The Palin story reminds me of Lindbaugh. Total hyprocrit!

  11. Bash on Limbaugh if you want. Leave Palin's daughter alone.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Palin + Rose = censorship

  14. Yep. That little family suffered enough horrific degradation - and for what? Being Republican? Representing a threat to the chosen one. You'll get another chance in four years.

  15. You betcha' Rose.

    Maybe you should have a post titled, "Censored by Rose."

  16. Maybe. There haven't been many. But I am making an exception in the case of you attacking this girl.

  17. Why do I get the feeling that there is somebody in dred of revealing themselves?

    Sorry, but removing personal attacks on a teenage girl not the same as removing posts that are logical and reasoned disagreements with a blogowner's post.

  18. Just outta curiosity, dred...
    Coupla questions for ya, Dred. On your Global warming proof....

    1. Let's say the earth's temperature rises by a degree or three... the temperature at the poles, and glaciers will STILL be well below freezing, so how does that figure into the Goracle's calculations.

    2. Funny thing is, when I put liquid in the freezer, I have to leave room in the container. Can't fill it too full. Why is that? Do you know?

  19. Looks like someone is attributing some anonymous comments to me. This may not ease your hysteria, but, I have no interest in the Palins. If I say something dreadful, I sign it - that is the point. I have no interest in celebrity bashing.

    Glaciers are accumulated snow that under its own weight becomes dense ice. When more snow falls than melts, glaciers grow. When more snow melts than falls, glaciers shrink.

    When liquid water becomes solid ice, it expands.

    Have you been reading your fourth grader's science book, Rose? If you have, then good for you. Everybody should stop, ever so often, and challenge their own assumptions by asking themselves - How do I know I know what I think I know? Starting at the beginning will help you build a strong foundation of scientific evidence, serving you throughout your life as a defensive bulwark, unassailable by propaganda generated by the agencies of corporations that spend vast amounts of money to make you compliant. You have taken the first step of a journey that will open your mind to the world around you. Savor each and every discovery, Rose. Knowledge is freedom. You have nothing to fear.

    Dreadful Anonymous

  20. :) Knowledge is freedom. You have nothing to fear.

    That was gonna be my point to you. At least you answered ONE of the questions.

    What makes you such a fervent believer?

  21. Which one of my answers didn't you understand?

    What makes me a believer? Evidence.


  22. Please tell me Rose how I "attacked" Palin. Because I linked a story about family drug charges?

  23. If it was Nancy Pelosi daughter, it would be on "FOX NEWS" 24/7.


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