
Saturday, August 02, 2008

Lovelace and Local Solutions

☛ ER Lovelace donation request a concern in 2nd District
When 3rd District Supervisor-elect Mark Lovelace sent a letter to his supporters thanking them for their help in electing him as the Arcata-area representative to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors, it didn’t raise any eyebrows.

But when the letter dated July 14 went on to thank the political action committee Local Solutions for its help in his successful effort in the June 3 Primary Election and asked for donations for them, some people in the 2nd District were concerned.

“Local Solutions has been actively involved in many local grassroots campaigns in the past, and is currently engaged in the upcoming November election for Humboldt County 2nd District Supervisor,” Lovelace’s letter states. “Their innovated resources can be developed further to better serve future campaigns, but only with our help.”

Lovelace said it wasn’t the intent of the letter to support 2nd District Candidate Clif Clendenen, who has been helped with in-kind donations already from Local Solutions, nor was he trying to persuade his supporters to do the same.


  1. Wasn't the intent ? BS ! They (Mark,LS, and who all knows) want to stack the deck as much as they can. They need to control the BOP so they can service their masters. It's all about POWER. Power corrupts just as much as money does.

    They (LS et al)need to keep any "big" or legite business out, except marijuana growers and such, so it won't disrupt the status quo. They talk about the "good ole boys", let's start pointing out the new batch of "good ole boys" !

    Keep up the pressure

  2. The $400 that Local Solutions provided in services to Lovelace and the same for Clif was hardly a major contribution. How much in-kind donations did Rodoni get from organizations not listed because there is no cash involved? How many dollar's worth has she gotten from the E-R for hit pieces like Rushton's today? Local Solutions works on many campaigns like Measure T that you so hate but the majority of your fellow citizens approved. They are also working on ending corporate personhood, another of those progy campaigns. Your dishonest game of trying to make this out to be some unethical political stunt is laughable and won't change any minds because those who, like you, have a mindless hatred for Local Solutions weren't going to vote for anyone but a Rodoni anyway. This does show the rest of us how desperate you are.

  3. It's interesting that Local Solutions' site now says that they will not disperse monies to individual candidates.

    Even if you think Rushton's story is a "service" to Johanna, how can you say that with a straight face with all of the electioneering provided by KMUD to any "Local Solutions" candidate?

    Any candidate who contests one of the "Progressives" is suddenly said to be an Arkley pawn, which is laughable. In that case, Gallegos ought to be the biggest Arkley pawn of all, since he received the largest donation from Arkley... but that was fine with the "Progressives." Arkley didn't become the demon until he stopped giving money to Salzman and his candidates.

  4. Maybe you can tell every one which non-progressive candidate Arkley and his phony organizations didn't support and which non-progressive candidates didn't support their pro-development agenda? Plumley? Vevoda? Rodoni? Shall we check the E-R endorsements?

  5. Let's see why the E-R endorsed those 3 non-progressive candidates

    Plumley: As a result of this unusual career he is sensitive to the physical environment while appreciating the need for economic development in order to create the jobs that will keep our young people here to settle and raise families.

    Rodoni: She is a strong advocate for property rights and believes in steady, moderate economic growth for the county.

    Vevoda: We are confident he will work for sensible economic growth policies.

    Its just coincidence that these 3 non-progressive candidates with the same pro-development agenda as Arkley got endorsements from the E-R.

  6. Is it just a coincidence that none of them were endorsed by the Times Standard?

    And if you want to talk about phony organizations - "Alliance for Ethical Business", CREG, Eureka Civic Association... just for starters... there's a very very long list, of which "LOcal Solutions" is one.

    Funny thing is, "Local Solutions" never has any. Solutions, that is. Their early promotional materials were nearly identical to the "Alliance for oh-so-ethical Business"/"OurHumboldr"?Behind the Redwood Curtain" - all Palco all the time...

    No question they have good writers who write glowing positive mission statements when their actual real goals are so decidedly NEGATIVE, destructive and divisive. "Progressive" is what sets you and your county back 20 years.

    The "Progressive" message is one of kill off your industry, get rid of all your jobs, use the environment as cover, lie about who you are...

    No,. it doesn't surprise me that the Eureka Reporter would choose to endorse people who don't support that agenda.

  7. It will be interesting, in fact, to see if even the Times Standard will endorse George Clark, whose platform includes "community currency." the biggest pile of hogwash to come out of the insaity of late, and looks more like Dave Meserve's self serving grandstanding than like a person who really wants to serve the community. And anyone who runs on a message of getting a "Progressive" majority on any Board isn't in it for the people, they are in it for an agenda (Sorry about that word, agenda, Hank, it just keeps cropping back in).

  8. Don't forget - Humboldt Coalition for Community Rights - and who is that exactly?

  9. Local Solutions said over 2 years ago they wouldn't disperse funds to any candidate. You have been too busy smearing them to take the time to educate yourself as to the facts or their agenda. Willful ignorance on your part or lies?

  10. Simply pointing out facts that people who have not been paying attention are not aware of.

    "Loacal Solutions" is a scourge. There is no way to smear them.

  11. LS works by taking money, not giving it out. Then they take over and run the campaign. If you know anyone in Fortuna, PLEASE give them a head's up about Clendenen's involvement with Local Solutions.

  12. Just stay out of our 2nd District with your Arcata-based Progressive political imperialists seeking to conquer Fortuna and make it "safe" green city where Progs have created a crimeless, ecological utopia on earth.

  13. What exactly has L-S done that deserves the insult scourge? Helped candidates get elected that you didn't like? Maybe you don't think they should hold meetings to talk about the damage from diesel grows? Or maybe its local currency? What have they done to deserve such rancor and vitriol? You can't blame them for Salzman any more or be exposed as a deliberate liar, so what exactly is their crime?

  14. Local Solutions epitomizes everything that's wrong with local politics--including but not limited to the promotion of candidates chosen for their stupidity and fealty toward Neely et al, rather than any particular knowledge, ability or avocation.

  15. My God,just look at the faithful turning out to help close the rest of Eureka down by supporting local so;ution clones in up comming Eureka City Council race.

  16. The letter speaks for itself. The voters of the second district needed to be informed. The website has being updated making changes the last few days.


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