
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Not sure what to make of it

But today, in a discussion about the County General Plan at the Board of Supervisor's meeting, Mark Lovelace stood up to speak, and announced himself as "Mark Lovelace, speaking as an individual."

Not as "Humboldt Watershed Council." Not as "Healthy Humboldt."

So, what's changed?


  1. He's running for BOS and if he keeps talking as "Healthy Humboldt" he will probably have issues if he wins the seat in voting for the General Plan. I still think he has a bias there. Since each Supervisor gets to appoint his choice of person to be a Planning Commissioner - who would Lovelace choose. For that matter anyone else wonder who the other two would choose for Planning Commissioner?

  2. WILL have issues?!?

    DOES have issues.

    Oddly enough I once said I thought Mark would make a good Planning Commissioner. I no longer believe that, following the revelation that he has been being paid to promote an agenda to force infill and deny people the right to buy property and live off the grid, on the land, something that is part of what makes life here worth it.

    For all their knocking of Kay Backer as a paid mouthpiece, to find that Mark is nothing more than that is - nothing short of astounding.

    I'm sorry for him. But.

  3. I'm sure Lovelace will be devastated by your shocking continued lack of support Rose. Your lack of perception and proportion is shocking as well.

  4. Lay down with dogs, get fleas.

  5. Well, Mark had a fair amount of support from people like me. He blew it. No one knew why. Now we do.

  6. Rose, the voice of reason in the environmental debate. hahaha!

  7. WEll 5:19 you can try to spin it any way you want. Truth is Mark is a payed lobbiest and always has been. He has lied to us all about that and likely to the IRS as well. No need to wonder who he would support as a planning commish. The 5th dst. current planning commish has already endorsed Lovelace. Now that is of great concern as in that position we would hope for fair ,balanced,thoughtful deliberation on planning issues not a bought and payed for endorsement of healthy humboldt propaganda. The whole thing stinks to high heaven and little mark may not even be the greatest olfactory vilian.

  8. His job was to educate people about environmental issues. I can't imagine what you could have thought he did for HWC other than that. Calling education lobbying is interesting but I suspect that is only for education of which you disapprove.

  9. ROTFLMSAO! His job was to educate people Ohpoor little innocent me. Took awhile But That's The Story And We're Sticking To It!

  10. His job was to lobby local government for open space and keeping people out of the rural lands. I can't imagine what you could have thought he did for HWC other than that. Calling lobbying education is interesting, but would you call HELP an educational group?

  11. It has taken you a week to come up with this?

    Flowery mission statements and euphemistically titled "groups" feeding each other and calling themselves a "coalition" are a thin disguise.

  12. Better thinnk about who Lovelace would put on the Planning Commission as every Supervisor gets their choice - Mike Wilson???

  13. Bob Ornelass!

  14. Not Bob "I'm suspicious of their motives" Ornelas! Not Bob "the $1,000 bribe" Ornelas! Boy, haven't heard that name in a long time

  15. You mean Bob "Kevin Hoover wouldnt take my $1,000 bribe to come up with dirt on Roger Rodoni, but Hank Sims did" Ornelas?????????

  16. You mean Hank "ripped up the check" Sims?

    Don't you wonder what Linda Wright did with that $1,000 after that?

  17. For the record - all the articles on that - "ethical bs" stunt... for those who don't know what we're talking about. It includes what most everyone involved had to say. We've yet to hear from Linda Wright - where the money came from, why she did it... that kind of stuff.

  18. Lovelace has been exposed for what he is and that is a good thing.

    Educating the people? Wow, isn't that special?


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