
Thursday, August 30, 2007

I don't know why, but this funny YouTube video
came to mind when I read about this fundraising effort from:
Assemblywoman Patty Berg
c/o Roberts & Associates

(sounds so official)

Assemblywoman Patty Berg
Invites You to a Fall Reception
Location: Patty's Home

(wow, sounds so nice, so personal)

$1000 - Sempervirens Sponsor (includes 12 guests & program recognition)
$500 - Oak Tree Sponsor (includes 8 guests & program recognition)
$250 - Spruce Tree Supporter (includes 6 guests)
or $50 - Maple Tree Individual Guest

(what? It's not a party? It's a fundraiser?
It sounds so - mercenary! What's this all about?)

It's not really from Assemblywoman Patty Berg.
It is from Patty Berg for Insurance Commissioner.
Contributions will be used to elect Patty Bery to INSURANCE COMMISSIONER in 2010 OR towards current officeholder expenses.
(Oh. I guess that's how it's done.)

If you're invited, you're supposed to RSVP to

Look for a Gallegos endorsement.

(Details, details...I guess that Sacramento outfit doesn't realize what Sempervirens means to us here in Humboldt County.)

Hilarious! This week's Town Dandy


  1. Booooooooooooo

    I'll give some $$$ to just about anybody that runs against her.

  2. since there's not a snowballs chance in hell of sucess, where will all the money go?

  3. or suckcess

  4. How much does her previous campaign owe? That's where it'll go.

  5. I think you'd have to check me in to Sempervirens if I was going to pay out $1000.

  6. Oh yeah, off topic, so you might want to move it elsewhere, but there is no "Lou Valente" living in Eureka. Which may just mean he is a passing through homeless person, OR that "Lou Valente" gave out a fake name, or that "Lou Valente" did not update any information with the people that need to know (IE Government database).

  7. How about learning how to read before commenting on an article,he works at the Rescue Mission.LOL.
    But then again,it is the Reporter.

  8. Patti is no democrat...she has done absolutely nothing for this county or her constituents. She only wants to do nothing (like cheese-breath) and get paid for doing nothing.

    Wonder what Lockyer thinks about this?

  9. Lockyer is a do nothing BS, what's in it for him politician himself. he doesn't give a rat's ass about the people.

  10. Sounds like most of the A-holes elected to the state these days.

  11. when will this killing on route 66 take place?


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