
Friday, December 22, 2006

Baykeeper Signs

Baykeeper's posting signs? Public land? Or private land?

By the way: Photo source - Trees Foundation
Claims that the sign is on Mad River.
...Trees Foundation? The guys Earth First! sues for FRAUD Ya gotta love it.


  1. WHO cares someone should be posting signs...why Don't you Rose instead of crying over dikmans loss

  2. Always needs someone to pick on.... It's like the "6 degrees of separation to Paul" makes you a fair target.

  3. They did it for the County. And guess what it was FREE.

  4. Baykeeper rocks!

  5. They did it for FREE!? And plastered their logo and phone humber all over it? And the County allowed it? Geez. Where is design review when you need them?

    6 degrees of separation? No. It is Baykeeper/Riverkeeper's reputation for filing lawsuits, combined with the connection to EPIC/Center for Biological Diversity, links to activist support systems (and Gallegos) that brings them into question.

  6. Baykeeper SUCKS

  7. Rose, you can tell by the responses you've gotten that you have pissed the regressives off. Wait until the attack on Paulie gets started for lying not only to a judge, but more importantly to a jury. I see a parallel between Mike NiFong, of Duke La Crosse fame and Paulie. They both lie to gain power. I guess once your elected DA, you have a license to lie, since you cannot be sued or put in jail. But karma always prevails eventually and when Paulie goes down, he'll take all his supporters with him. And I will take a long vacation as a celebration! Roy

  8. I guess that means something if you have a problem with EPIC, etc. It makes it a no-brainer for you. Those of us that have a different frame of reference do not see that as a bad thing. It's an alliance, however loose; and "your side" has alliances too.

    There's an energy shift going on, and it has a life of it's own. You can ride it, you can try to guide it, but you don't own it.

  9. Dear 6:22pm, can you speak the english language and explain what you were trying to get across to us in the real world? Probably not!! You are a great example of incompetence. And Dude, "an energy shift going on?" Wow I'm impressed, please explain bro! Thank god you are not on the front lines in Iraq, Nor in East LA. Because you don't have a clue. Roy

  10. There is indeed a shift going on. And the pendulum is swinging against the shut-it-down crowd across this nation. More and more people are speaking up and saying "Wait just a minute!"

  11. And to think I was worried Roy wouldn't pop up with his classic name-calling dismissive attitude. Keep pounding the table, bro!

  12. 6:22 and 12:16 - are you the same person? Can you just once try speaking plain English? Nancy

  13. A little too oblique for you, eh?
    Ok, here it is:

    "If you can't win on the law, pound the facts. If you can't win on the facts, pound the law. If both the facts and law are against you, pound the table."

    So, I say y'all are just pounding the table. Sense the energy, dude?

  14. Do people dump stuff onto the mudflats and into the stream channels? I've not seen individuals doing this so what's the point of the signs? The big companies certainly know of Baykeeper lawsuits by now. So who are the signs aimed at? Publicity for Baykeeper?

    Now signs like that down in SoHum where people are spilling diesel oil into the creeks or on county roads where people dump garbage instead of taking it to the dump would be a good idea.

  15. Baykeeper volunteers worked with Ted Halsted (who has been cleaning up tons of garbage from Arcata Bottom sloughs for years) and the County to do a large cleanup effort and put up the signs. It appears the signs have slowed down illegal dumping in this area.

    Steve you have a good idea. Maybe you should work with the County on helping to clean up diesel spills and pay to put up signs in SoHum.

  16. Maybe I should go out and recycle aluminum.

  17. Thank you 10:16, I was going to link a comment to the April 2005 T/S story about Ted cleaning up Liscom Slough on his own for 10 years, but T/S had already archived the story online.

    Thank you, Baykeeper, for doing what you can to support the little-appreciated citizen monitoring efforts of individuals.

    And roasts to those that take a good thing and spin it into yet-another-imagined ulterior motive.

    Maybe some of you need to read James Faulk "Bully Pulpit" today, and take it to heart.

    There's plenty of aluminum CANS around, leave the signs alone.

  18. Naw, seeing how they are right there, and need to be removed, I'll nab me some 6061 Alumnium signs that aren't quite legal.

  19. More legal than you will ever be.

  20. Can you take down some illegal billboards while your at it?

  21. Isn't it funny that the monkeywrench gang got started by doing just that...

    What kind of paradox is this?

  22. There is a difference between stewardship and enforcement. Fortunately, we have a long history of local residents being willing to clean up the messes that some leave in their wake.

    That said, the phone number to report illegal dumpings is incorrect because Bay Keepers has neither the authority or power to enforce the law. California Department of Fish and Game or the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board should be listed because these are the State’s waters, and under their jurisdiction.

    So, if you see someone dumping garbage or oil call:

    Fish and Game’s CalTIP at 888-334-2258 and they will notify the local Warden, or

    North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board at 576-2220

    Additionally, the State OES should be notified.

  23. And as someone who has held the hand of a RWQ enforcement person and showed them illegal toxic dumping, who then looked me in the eye and said, "yeah that's bad, and I might get around to writing a report in 6 months" and then NEVER put it in the file -- I don't have alot of faith in enforcement. Actually, make that no faith. Citizen monitoring and public interest lawsuits are the only way to get any real work done. Unless you got a name in those agencies that will actually do something......

  24. Maybe I should heed your advice. Do ya think it will succeed in making the DA do his job?

  25. 7:37

    You obviously have not met Warden Krug. She stands on violators necks.

    Bottom line, Regional Board or Fish and Game submit their charges to the DA and if he choses to do nothing with it...what is the point of making a report.

    Wish Hagen were back

  26. So Baykeepers are going after the few remaining Humboldt dairymen and farmers because their cows may be 'dumping' into Mad River SLOUGH.

    Guess it fits, go after the oyster guys by infering pollution poisoning, then the City of Arcata wastewater marsh by the dioxin listing, eliminate crab harvesting in the bay and now going after the cows.

  27. I do know Warden Krug. She's good at some things -- like going after illegal fishing and trespassing OHV -- things that are easy to catch in the moment. But she's only one person; and the long term, chronic industrial/commercial polluter is a different matter. The warden needs the support of superiors in those issues, and it just is not there in this District. Just recently, the local Streambed Alteration 1600 permitting process was moved from REDDING to Eureka. Before, 1600's were sitting on the desk in Redding, timing out to 60 days, and getting issued with no site visit. I am hopeful this change will be an improvement..... we'll see.

    But issuing permits is very different from enforcing them. All the agencies continually say they are under-funded and under-staffed, so enforcement is spotty. That's why citizen monitoring is so important and absolutely necessary.

  28. Read the Eureka Reporter page 3 article on the horor comming to Humboldt. The North Coast Land Trust now is officially part of the Nature Conservancy. Be afraid,be very afraid! Read Range Magizine for very indepth accounting of this .

  29. Thanks Dennis. Or is that you Rose?

  30. not me but I agree completly. Range is very good.I have personal family friends chronicled in their reporting. I've seen them work first hand. Nature Conservancy is pretty slick.Lots of money,special treatment,legal advice,and the wine flows free. What happens to often is that the ranch goes broke,the elk hunting is stopped and a community starts to decline. Even at their best they chip away steadly at property rights and future choice. Locally they played it pretty cool. With money and a helping hand to several small land trusts that I have supported because they were small and access minded.I always counciled to not take the N.C. bribes. Just like Bass fishing ,they baited a good hook. Now they've set deep in our jaw. Dennis

  31. I put up a link to RANGE's report, Dennis, they have it online, thankfully.

    I missed the ER story. Will have to get ahold of it.


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